{"id":52,"date":"2016-05-30T10:25:18","date_gmt":"2016-05-30T10:25:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wejustgolf.com\/?p=52"},"modified":"2017-06-22T10:38:03","modified_gmt":"2017-06-22T10:38:03","slug":"improve-your-game","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wejustgolf.com\/improve-your-game\/","title":{"rendered":"Improve Your Game with these 6 Golfing Tips"},"content":{"rendered":"

Whether you are a beginner<\/a> or a seasoned golfer, everyone wants to improve their game. It\u2019s always nice to shave just a little bit more off of that handicap<\/a>. If you\u2019re fresh out of ideas about how to improve, try out some of these strange and lesser known tricks<\/strong> for improving your game:<\/p>\n

Keep Your Wrist Hinged Until Release<\/h2>\n

If you\u2019ve studied up on your fundamentals well, you know you should be hinging your right wrist backward on your upswing. What most players forget is that they should also keep that hinge all the way through until after impact. This will give you more<\/strong> height and distance.<\/p>\n


To get the habit, practice your swing with your left thumb on your right wrist (reverse for lefties) instead of on the grip. It will keep you more aware of your wrist angle through the swing.<\/p>\n

Keep Your Right Knee Bent<\/h2>\n

As you rotate on your downswing and follow through, a lot of golfers tend to let their right leg straighten (or left if they are lefties). This forces your body upward which messes up your whole swing.<\/p>\n

Get in the habit of keeping your right knee bent by practicing<\/a> with the back of a chair propped up under your backside<\/strong>. Complete the full swing while maintaining contact with the chair. Repeat this often and then try to maintain that position without the chair.<\/p>\n

Look at The Top of the Ball<\/h2>\n

Most players have a habit of looking to the side of the ball where the clubhead will strike. This seems logical but it\u2019s actually harming your game. You need to be looking at the top of the ball. It helps you swing \u201cthrough\u201d the ball instead of just to it.<\/p>\n

In other words, it improves your impact<\/strong> by ensuring that you keep strong momentum the whole way through until the ball is launched and in the air.<\/p>\n

Practice with a\u00a0Soccer Ball<\/h2>\n

If you\u2019re having trouble with your swing\u2014especially if you are hooking your balls and not able to aim, place a soccer ball between your arms and do not let it fall while you swing. This forces your arms into a good swing position.<\/p>\n


Master Putting<\/h2>\n

Even the most pro players have a bad habit of neglecting putting practice. We all work so hard on maxing out the power of our power drive that we forget that the subtle art of putting is just as important to cutting strokes off of our game.<\/p>\n

Line up a row of 5 or more golf balls<\/a>, each about 5 yards from your target. If you\u2019re not on a course, you can simply stick a tee in the ground and aim for that. Start putting. Hit each ball once. Adjust the length of your drawback each time to get a better feel<\/strong> for how much length you need to put different distances.<\/p>\n